Good stuff. The part about Rod as romantic really seems to be a key point. And he's hardly the only one (Andrew Sullivan, to me at least, falls into this category). In fact, I reckon a *lot* of right-polemists do as well, despite their efforts to claim to be coldly rational (as you discuss in your 6/6/22 article).

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He made his living on the backs of denigrating ppl who are LGBT.

I do not wish him well at all.

I show him no mercy, family members of ppl who are LGBT read his trash for YEARS and took it in.

Never believe people when they say they prayed about it to discern God's will and they are sure they are doing God's will. It always always turns out that God tells them to do what they really want to do. "I prayed over it," is a pile of dung.

When you do this much evil for this long, I have no sympathy when your marriage falls apart and your kids reject you.

To be completely honest i think he is mentally ill. He is mentally ill on religion is the way I see it. He is not a true believer™ but rather a cultist, in the cult of his own making.

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